четверг, 10 января 2008 г.

ИФЛА получит нового Генерального секретаря с сентября 2008 года

По сообщению Генерального секретаря Международной Федерации библиотечных ассоциаций и организаций (ИФЛА) г-на Питера Лора, с 6 сентября 2008 года новым генеральным секретарем станет г-жа Дженнифер Никольсон. Она присоединится к работе штаб-квартиры ИФЛА с 1 июня 2008 года в качестве заместителя Генерального секретаря вплоть до официального своего вступления в должность в сентябре.

IFLA is pleased to announce the appointment of Jennefer Nicholson as its new Secretary General, from September 2008. She will join IFLA’s Headquarters in The Hague on 1 June 2008 as Secretary General designate and work with the outgoing Secretary General, Prof Peter Lor, until she takes over on 6 September 2008.

Jennefer Nicholson has graduate qualifications in library and information science and in public policy and has spent most of her working life in the information sector – in advertising, information brokerage, and the library and information services sector. She moved into association management in the early 1990s and was appointed Executive Director of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) from 1999 to the end of 2005, following five years as the Deputy Executive Director. ALIA is the national professional body for the library and information sector, with 5000 personal members and 1000 institutional members. Jennefer was instrumental in the Association’s renewal and restructure process, and in expanding ALIA’s advocacy and participative role in the wider community.

For the past year Jennefer has been working with the Australian Government on media and content policy, and a major national broadband strategy.

Jennefer has over ten years’ involvement in IFLA. She completed her second term as a member of the IFLA Management of Library Associations Section at WLIC Durban 2007, and has also served a term on the Education and Training Section. In addition, Jennefer has extensive experience as a director or member of a number of government and industry advisory bodies in the cultural, education and training, and association sectors.

Announcing the appointment, IFLA President Prof Claudia Lux said that the Governing Board is delighted to be able to appoint as IFLA’s Chief Executive Officer a professional colleague of Jennefer’s stature. Given the dynamic environment in which IFLA operates and the Federation’s ambitious plans, Jennefer’s extensive skills and experience will be a great asset to IFLA in the coming years.

Jennefer commented: “My appointment as Secretary General is a great honour for me, and an opportunity to give back to IFLA, having gained great professional and personal value as a member over the last ten years. I welcome the responsibility and in doing so acknowledge the contribution of all those members who have had the vision to lead IFLA to the position it now holds in the international arena.

I have a strong commitment to the values and professional concerns shared locally and globally by those in the library sector, and extensive experience in the sector and association management. I look forward to working with the President Claudia Lux, President-elect Ellen Tise, the Governing Board, members and staff to successfully articulate and achieve IFLA’s strategic goals, and to strengthen the organization. I also look forward to meeting those of you I don’t yet know.”

Peter Johan Lor, DPhil
Secretary General
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
P O Box 95312, 2509 CH The Hague, Netherlands
Tel. +31-70-314 0884
Fax: +31-70-383 4827
E-mail: ifla@ifla.org
Website: www.ifla.org

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